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Spectating List 1.2V

Tema tek 'AMX - Plugin's' e hapur nga Nereklamuok, 16 Korrik 2018.

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  1. Nereklamuok

    Nereklamuok Antarë

    8 Mars 2017
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    - Titulli i Temes: [Plugin] Spectator List 1.2V

    - Përshkrimi: Trregon se kush po te sheh ty Spectating List ne cs

    - Emri: Spectatoe List
    - Verzioni: 1.2V
    - Autori: (nuk e di)
    - Editori: (Komandant-Valmiri).

    - 2 speclist.amxx kët file, e fut atë në addons / amxmodx / plugins / këtu
    - 3 Emrin e files e shkruani brenda tek addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini këtu


    - Shkarko http://www.amxmodx.org/plcompiler_vb.cgi?file_id=14112
  2. sponxks

    sponxks Ushtar

    25 Prill 2016
    Pëlqime të marrura:
    pluginin, as 1 shkronj nuk ja ke editu ti.
    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <fakemeta>
    #pragma semicolon 1
    #define RED 64
    #define GREEN 64
    #define BLUE 64
    #define UPDATEINTERVAL 1.0
    // Comment below if you do not want /speclist showing up on chat
    #define ECHOCMD
    // Admin flag used for immunity
    new const PLUGIN[] = "SpecList";
    new const VERSION[] = "1.2a";
    new const AUTHOR[] = "FatalisDK";
    new gMaxPlayers;
    new gCvarOn;
    new gCvarImmunity;
    new bool:gOnOff[33] = { true, ... };
    public plugin_init()
        register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
        register_cvar(PLUGIN, VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER, 0.0);
        gCvarOn = register_cvar("amx_speclist", "1", 0, 0.0);
        gCvarImmunity = register_cvar("amx_speclist_immunity", "1", 0, 0.0);
        register_clcmd("say /speclist", "cmdSpecList", -1, "");
        gMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers();
        set_task(UPDATEINTERVAL, "tskShowSpec", 123094, "", 0, "b", 0);
    public cmdSpecList(id)
        if( gOnOff[id] )
            client_print(id, print_chat, "[AMXX] You will no longer see who's spectating you.");
            gOnOff[id] = false;
            client_print(id, print_chat, "[AMXX] You will now see who's spectating you.");
            gOnOff[id] = true;
        #if defined ECHOCMD
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    public tskShowSpec()
        if( !get_pcvar_num(gCvarOn) )
            return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
        static szHud[1102];//32*33+45
        static szName[34];
        static bool:send;
        for( new alive = 1; alive <= gMaxPlayers; alive++ )
            new bool:sendTo[33];
            send = false;
            if( !is_user_alive(alive) )
            sendTo[alive] = true;
            get_user_name(alive, szName, 32);
            format(szHud, 45, "Spectating %s:^n", szName);
            for( new dead = 1; dead <= gMaxPlayers; dead++ )
                if( is_user_connected(dead) )
                    if( is_user_alive(dead)
                    || is_user_bot(dead) )
                    if( pev(dead, pev_iuser2) == alive )
                        if( !(get_pcvar_num(gCvarImmunity)&&get_user_flags(dead, 0)&FLAG) )
                            get_user_name(dead, szName, 32);
                            add(szName, 33, "^n", 0);
                            add(szHud, 1101, szName, 0);
                            send = true;
                        sendTo[dead] = true;
            if( send == true )
                for( new i = 1; i <= gMaxPlayers; i++ )
                    if( sendTo[i] == true
                    && gOnOff[i] == true )
                        set_hudmessage(RED, GREEN, BLUE,
                            0.75, 0.15, 0, 0.0, UPDATEINTERVAL + 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1);
                        show_hudmessage(i, szHud);
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
    public client_connect(id)
        gOnOff[id] = true;
    public client_disconnect(id)
        gOnOff[id] = true;
    Autori osht: FatalisDK
    Editori: Ska editor!.

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